Monday, April 14, 2014

Here's to the Start of Another Fun Filled Week!!

Boy, that's the truth.  Except I wasn't really getting into my weekend, I felt like it was just getting started.  I got a whole half day off, and how did I spend it?  Cleaning.  I was gone all day Saturday, spent all of yesterday morning cleaning and then did some grading, then spent a couple of hours at softball practice, then went and picked up Peanut from her friend, came home, and spent the evening working on plans and entering grades.

Not exactly what I call a relaxing weekend.  Or even just "weekend".

When I think of a weekend, I think of laying on the couch, relaxing, maybe a trip to the grocery store, a fun day out with the family.  Not every minute of my weekend filled with non-stop go, go, go.

Thankfully, this week is a short week.  After having ALL of those snow days, we still managed to hold on to our Good Friday being a day off.  Which really is perfect timing.  I was one of those people that made a point of stating I would NOT complain about not getting any time off after being out 20 extra days from school this year.  I was perfectly content going the rest of the school year with my weekends off, and making the most of every day we had.

Yet, I'm going to admit right off the bat, I'm NOT upset about having Friday off.  I am thankful, just so I can at least get a couple of hours to breath, sleep, and relax.

This week is going to be another hectic one.

Tonight Peanut is attending the first night of show choir tryouts, then we have softball practice.  Jelly has softball practice at the same time.  Butter has a track meet.  Tomorrow, Peanut is trying out for show choir and Butter has baseball practice.  Wednesday, faculty meeting and then softball practice.  Thursday, track meet.  I will be home maybe 30 minutes or so each night before I collapse in to bed.

The week in school is just as busy as my week after school.

Practice MAP testing, short week, a planned trip to the local resort for an afternoon of fun in the sun as a reward for select students who have made their growth, and staying on top of our regular learning, of course.

Today is Peanut's birthday.  We have to leave a little early so that I can stop off and pick up her custom ordered cupcakes she wanted for her class.  I also have to pick up Gatorade's for my team's softball practice.

I can't believe Peanut is 14.  She's growing up so stinkin' fast!  It's crazy to think that this time next year I'm going to be thinking about driving permits and preparing for her sophomore year in high school.  Just thinking about her being a freshman this next year is making me a little queasy.  I just can't believe my little girl is a young lady.  A beautiful, smart, talented, motivated young lady.

She's got a great head on her shoulders, and she has big plans for her future.  I sometimes wished she spent a little less time worrying about stuff and just spent more time being a kid and having fun.  But, she's my daughter.  I can't really be surprised.

Last night, we sat up late planning her birthday weekend trip away.  It's not really for her birthday, being that it's still three weeks away, and we wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't a band trip...but we're making it in to a birthday celebration weekend.

Her band is going to World's of Fun in Kansas City.  They are going for a day trip, but I decided it would be a lot more fun if I drove and we got a hotel room for the night and drove back the following day.  We can spend the night right next to the park, so we can stay until it closes at 10PM if we want to.  Then, on Sunday, we can do a little sight-seeing before heading home.  Neither Peanut or I have ever been to Kansas City, so we want to make the most of it.  Plus, Peanut's friend is going to stay with us, so she'll have someone to keep her company and have some fun with.  Besides me.

OK, I really need to think about getting ready for work.  Hopefully this short week won't seem too long, and I can't get through it with only a small amount of stress and exhaustion.

Wishful thinking.

Have a great Monday, everyone!!


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