Monday, February 13, 2012

Weekend Wrap-Up...I'm a Winner!

Dear Diary...

It's 4:42am on Monday morning.  I'm sitting in front of my computer still in my pajamas because there's about an inch of snow on the ground - and more is supposed to be more coming.  The schools haven't been closed, yet, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that something will happen soon.  If I haven't heard anything in the next 30-45 mins, I'll have to get ready.

While I'm waiting to see if I'm going to get another day added to my weekend, I'll tell you about the weekend I had.  It was a great weekend in terms of fun and excitement.  It was a not so great weekend in terms of eating and exercising.

On Saturday, I told you that I was going to my parent's house so that my mom and I could go play bingo all day.  I got to my parent's house around noon, and my mom and I left around 1:30.  We arrived at the casino right before 3.  It was a great drive - gave us some time to chit chat and catch up on stuff that's been going on with us.  After we arrived, we got our seats, bought our books, and still had about an hour before the games would start.

We decided to go out to the casino floor and have a little go on the slot machines.  Now, I'm not afraid to say this - I hate slot machines.  Mostly because they are addicting, and I'm not sure how people can feed money in to them without realizing how much money is being thrown away in a matter of minutes.  I decided I'd put $20 in a machine and see what happens.  Well, I lost the $20.  But, that was after playing for quite a while.  I'd win some, I'd lose some.  No major wins - but enough to keep me occupied for about 30 minutes.  Mom and I decided to head back to our seats and grab a snack.  Which happened to be a large bag of chips. Each. 

Bingo started, and the games began. We played the Matinee session, and that was pretty boring.  Didn't even get close.  After that session, we had about a 45 minute break - so Mom and I decided to grab some dinner.  I had chicken strips and fries with ranch.  Good choice?  No.  But was I thinking about that?  No.  I don't know why, when I'm out, that I forget my mission - and eat crap. 

Well, the main games finally started.  It was still pretty slow and boring.  Second half, I was just about ready to give up on there being any hope of me getting anything.  Then my numbers started coming out pretty quickly.  I was waiting for two numbers - and one after another, out they came.  I was ecstatic!  I just won $800!  That was, until someone mentioned that I'd won on the hot ball number.  Winning on that number earned me an additional $1860!  My total winnings?  $2660.  Can you say H-A-P-P-Y?  I split my winnings with my mom, and we each walked away with a nice $1330.  I was very happy with that. 

We ended up getting home around midnight.  It had been a long day, but I was so excited I wasn't ready for sleep.  My brother had made homemade pizza while we were away - and he'd saved some for us.  So, I ate a piece of pizza.  Just one.  But still.  On top of chips and fried chicken with fries - I should have passed.  I ended up going to bed around 3am.

Yesterday, I didn't wake up until 10.  I got the kids up and around, and we started heading home around noon.  On the way home, the kids were hungry and wanted to stop for lunch.  So we did.  At McDonald's.  Did I have a salad?  No.  Chicken sandwich?  No.  I had a burger.  And fries.  I know, I don't know what I was thinking.  Will I regret my food choices this week when I look at the scale?  Of course.  There's nothing I can do about it now, though.  Just gonna get my behind back to the gym this week and make up for my bad decisions.

So, it's now 6:49am.  I've been taking breaks watching the news while typing.  My school district is still open.  It is the only school district in my county to still be open.  I am devastated - and terrified.  I called my principle and told her I was going to be late.  I'm not going to attempt to drive in this when it's still dark outside.  Guess I should start getting ready.  I'm not happy, though.  I'm still deciding whether or not the drive will be worth it... but I got to do what I can to make a good impression.

Till next time. ;)



  1. Sucks your school is still open. I hope they see your dedication to them. And heck yeah for money :). That's awesome. I need to play some Bingo.

  2. Awesome win! And I ate cajun this weekend, and paid for it all day and night...ugh.


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