Tuesday, December 30, 2014

As 2015 Approaches....

I can't believe we're just two days away from 2015.  And I can't believe I haven't written a blog post since Christmas Day.  Time flies when you're having fun, I guess, and I've been having some of that.  At 3:30AM the day after Christmas, the kids and I loaded up the car and drove to Tennessee to visit Peanut's family.

The trip was bittersweet.  I love spending time with M and D, and they are now my family, which is why it's always so hard to say goodbye.  The kids had an absolute blast and they love their grandparents.  Butter and Jelly have made it perfectly clear that M and D are also their grandparents, and that's totally fine with me.  I am a firm believer in never having too much family.  Peanut got to spend some time with her dad, and that was good.  

The trip home was long and quiet.  Nobody really had much to say.  The only thing on all of our minds was when we get to go back again for another visit... which will be soon, I hope.

Now my mind is in New Year mode.  My hopes, my dreams, and my desires are all starting to surface in my brain, and it's got me in a very contemplative mode.  I'm also reflecting back on this year, and how wonderful it's been.  

I have so much to be happy about in terms of what's gone on this year.  So much has happened, and I've made some wonderful memories.  There have been good times and bad, but the good have far outnumbered the bad.  Trying to top this year will be pretty tough, but there are always a few goals I like to set for myself.  Not so much resolutions, more like aspirations for things I'd like to achieve or succeed in.

But regardless of what goals I try and set for myself, I only really have two goals I want to focus on.  The first is being happy.  I just want to be happy.  I want my family to be happy, my friends, my co-workers, my students, and me to just enjoy the year and take each stone as it is thrown.  I don't foresee any major changes happening in my life, but it would be nice to just continue on as this year has been going.  Reconnecting, recharging, and refueling myself.  

I want to be mentally prepared for anything that comes my way, and just roll with the punches.  It'll be a crazy busy year, I'm sure.  The kids will have their extra curricular activities, I have school, and work will keep me on my toes.  During the summer, I want the kids and me to have some fun and get out and explore.  We'll spend time with family, have some pool parties, and just enjoy each other.  

The other big focus I will have this year is my weight.  I don't care how many times I've said it, this weight is going to be gone by the time 2015 is over with.  I have managed to do something I don't think I've EVER been able to do over Christmas break, and that's lose weight.  I'm down another 10lbs this month, and it's going to keep coming off.  I don't care what comes my way, nothing is going to interfere with me getting to be that Hot Mama I have wanted to be for so long.  I hate the way I feel about myself, and that HAS to change.  2015 is going to be my year for it, I just know it.  I'm not getting any younger, and with every year that passes it gets harder and harder to lose the weight.  So, it has got to be this year.  I'm done putting it off...thinner me, here I come.

OK, I should really wrap this up.  I'm going out to eat lunch with Hope and Sanity today.  I can't wait!! I have so much to tell them, and I know they probably have plenty to share with me.  

Have a wonderful Tuesday, everyone!!


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