Thursday, December 25, 2014

Best. Christmas. Ever!!


It's 9:30 on Christmas morning, and it's been quite the morning.  All the presents have been opened, the trash has been cleaned away, and the kids are trying out all of their new toys.  I have Christmas dinner to start working on, but I just had to take some time to write about our day yesterday, and how today has gone so far.

Yesterday was an awesome Christmas Eve, like always.  We had an absolute blast at P-Momma's house, and she made the most amazing spread of food for us to enjoy.  The kids had fun, I had fun, even Hubby seemed to have a good time.  P-Momma liked the gifts we got for her, and I was floored at the amazing gift she got for me.  She put together a coffee table book full of over 180 pictures of our family.  It's AWESOME!! The kids and I had such a great time looking through all the photos. 

We made it home around 7PM, and Jelly and I got straight to baking some cookies for Santa.  After the cookies were made she wanted to head straight to bed.  I helped her hang her stocking and got her all tucked in to her bed.  I then did my rounds to the other kids to make sure they had their stockings hung.  Then, I just sat and waited for all the kids to fall asleep.  I was quite surprised that they were all completely out of it by 10PM, so I was able to make it to bed before midnight.  

This morning I woke up around 6AM.  Butter and Peanut were already awake, but Jelly had apparently woken up and then gone back to sleep... due to the fact that her stocking stuffers were strewn all over her bedroom floor.  While I waited for her to wake up, I visited Peanut and Butter in their rooms to see what they thought of their stocking stuffers.  Both kids were happy, but they were ready for Jelly to wake up so they could open presents.  She finally woke up a little after 6:30.

Before presents could begin, however, I had to go through all of Jelly's stocking stuffers with her.  I've never seen so much excitement from her in regards to her stocking stuffers.  She frantically showed me her new stuffed Olaf, and the matching blanket.  She ripped through the candy and showed me the Frozen bath set, Frozen watch, and Monster High toothbrush set.  She then looked at me and told me that it was already the best Christmas ever due to all of the Frozen stuff she got in her stocking.  I was floored.  The child hadn't even seen the mounds of presents under the tree, but she was already perfectly content with the goodies she'd already received.

Her eyes lit up with pure delight when she saw the Christmas tree.  As did the other two kids' eyes.  They nestled themselves comfortably on the floor, and waited for me to start my duty as the gift giver.

The looks of joy and amazement that sprung in to their little faces with each gift that they opened.  All three kids were shocked, surprised, and very happy with the gifts that Santa had picked out for them.  Apparently, Momma is still able to surprise her kiddos, no matter how old they get.  What touched me the most was hearing the words "Best Christmas EVER!!" explode from their mouths over and over and over again.  It melted my heart, and even brought a stray tear to my eye every now and then.  

Jelly had asked for two things on her letter to Santa:  Frozen toys and a Nintendo DS.  And, the girl got that and then some.  Her delighted little squeals with every present as it was opened told me that Santa knew exactly what to get her, and her wishes had been granted.  The same can be said for Butter and Peanut.  Butter had asked for a pair of cowboy boots, that Momma told him he was NOT getting.  It was sure great to see the look of surprise and excitement when he opened the box that contained his new cowboy boots.  The same look came across Peanut's face as she opened up her new cellphone.  

I know that Christmas is about much more than presents, but I have to say that my hands down favorite moment of the day is capturing those looks as they open their gifts and then melting those moments in to my heart forever.  It means so much to me to be able to give them a good Christmas, and I know that it means a lot to them that I take so much time to pick out each gift for them.  Even though Jelly still gives Santa all the credit, the older two know where the gifts really come from, and they know I try very hard to find everything that they get.

For the rest of the day, we're going to try out all the new toys and games.  I'm going to do my best to play with them as much as I can while taking little time outs to prepare our Christmas feast.  Then, we'll all sit around the dinner table and enjoy the bounty of food set before us.  

I will then retire for an afternoon nap and then get up for more fun and games before bedtime.

On this day, I have to take a second and reflect on how truly blessed that I am.  I have the most amazing children anyone could ever ask for.  They bring me so much joy and happiness, and it means the world to me that I can give them one heck of a Christmas.  They deserve it.  

I love my three children more than words could ever describe.  They are my everything.  And on this day, I will cherish every second we get to be together enjoying the fun and memories that we're making.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, and that this day is also your Best. Christmas. Ever!

Merry Christmas!!

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