Sunday, December 23, 2012

Just Let Me Do the Talking...

Yesterday, I did something that seemed to be a big fail on my part.  I wrote a blog post asking for advice from my readers and friends.

I made some big mistakes, apparently, by the overwhelming lack of even one single comment.

Don't worry - I don't blame anyone but myself.  Rookie mistakes were made...and I'm no rookie at the blogging world anymore.  I've been here a while, and I know the rules of the game.

1.  Even though I changed my blog months ago to no longer be a weight loss only blog, the majority of my followers are weight loss or healthy living bloggers. 

2.  I know if I want to blog about something that needs advice or feedback - NEVER do it on a Saturday.  People have lives and aren't glued to their computers on the weekends.  I forget about that.

3.  Not only did I post on a Saturday, but I posted on the Saturday right before Christmas.  Urrmmm... can you say, Stupid!!  I went to Wal-Mart on Friday, I know how crazy busy the shopping season still is. 

4.  My blog has been quiet for months.  A lot of that has to do with the time of year, and a lot more of it has to do with that I don't quite fit in to the network that I created for myself.

It's OK.  I'm not mad or upset.  The quite opposite, in fact. 

How many times have I written that I don't write this blog for the sake of anyone else but myself?  Yeah... a lot.  And that's 100% true.  I don't care if a single person reads my blog or comments or shares my posts.  It's all about writing out my feelings and life and documenting it. 

And I'm OK with that.

These last few days before Christmas, I'm going to remember how busy everyone else is.  I'm going to hope that everyone is enjoying this time of year with family and friends, making merry. 

The new year is right around the corner, and that's when I need to be thinking about new ventures and ideas and changes to my blog life.  Again. 

Until then, I'm just going to enjoy my time...write what's on my mind...and soak up every bit of Christmas that's left.

Just two more days left until Christmas!!


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