Sunday, December 16, 2012

'Twas the Week Before Christmas Break...

'Twas the week before Christmas break, and all through the day
Not a plan was to be written, not a word to say
The worksheets were printed and placed on the desks with care
In hopes that no grades would cause any despair

The children would be excited and crazy as can be
While a test will be given, in fact there'll be three
And teacher in her Christmas sweater and hat
Would try to get through it without needing a bat

Out in the hallways will be noise and a huge clatter
Of children all brimming with excitement and chatter
Away to the doorway I'll fly like a flash
And I'll share and complain about my lack of cash

My teacher friends and I will be hiding a glow
Of our excitement about the break, without letting the kids know
For all that we want our wondering ears to hear
The last bell to ring of this current school year

While the kids all dream of the visit from St. Nick
The teachers think some sleep will just do the trick
More rapid than eagles the time needs to fly
For these next three days, to hurry and go by

"Now Caleb, stop talking! Billy what on earth is the matter?
No, Damian, I don't plan on getting any fatter.
 Don't forget your backpacks from the wall
Now get out of here..go...there's no more school!"

Before I can get to that wonderful dismissal
I have to contain a room full of missels
They'll fly around the room like wild leaves, alright
And again I'll yell for them to get to their desks and sit tight

And then, in a twinkling, I'll hear through the 'com
That the Christmas concert must go on
As I withdraw my head from banging the wall
I'll put on a Christmas movie and settle them all

I'll be dressed all in glitter and crumbs from my head to my feet
After the Christmas party, and getting to eat
A bundle of goodies I'll break out from my desk
And let the kids open them and take care of the rest

Their eyes won't twinkle, nor will they be very merry
When they discover there's nothing wrapped to fill their bellies
I'll arrange my mouth to look like a bow
When I tell them to be grateful, even just for show

The stump of a pencil I'll hold in my teeth
While I explain the purpose for making a cute little wreath
They'll trace around their hands with finesse and care
Then chop off a drawn finger, and tape will be there

 I'll think about how much I look like a jolly old elf
And that weight loss must come, I'll think to myself
Not something to wonder at this time of year
Just make it through these last days, the end is so near

 I'll speak not a word as the last minute gets close
I'll just hold my breath, just the last little dose
As waiting and counting the last seconds down
And giving a nod, as the bell starts to sound

I'll run to my car with a scream and a cheer
The day that I thought wouldn't come is finally HERE!
But I'll say to myself as I drive out of sight
Have a wonderful Christmas, my loves, and get plenty of sleep at night!

And I wrote this myself!!!  Property of Joanna - 12/16/12


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