Monday, May 24, 2010

Time to Feel the Burn

Today is weigh-in day, and I was not happy with my result.  This week's weight is 226lbs.  :(  I've gained a pound, and I only have myself to blame.  I never like to see a weight gain, but it's no good to let it bring me down - it's just a reminder that if I don't work hard, I'm not going to see results.

Like I said yesterday, this week is going to be all about preparing myself for bootcamp that starts a week from Wednesday.  I've already got my gym set up and this evening, I will be on the treadmill and then following that off with a good weight work-out.

I had a funny conversation with a friend yesterday that I had to bring up.  When I explained my plan to her, the first thing she said was "be careful with doing too much with weights, you don't want the fat to turn into muscle".  Now, the funny thing is, I've heard this comment A LOT!  I don't want to call anyone out, but I do want to burst that myth right here and now.  So we are all clear, it is impossible for fat to turn INTO muscle.  Muscle is muscle, fat is fat.  One doesn't turn into the other.  When you're overweight, your muscles are weak and surrounded by fat.  In order to tone the muscle and burn off the fat, you have to weight train. 

Now, if I had my choice, I would work out on the treadmill every night - but that's just not going to give me the results I'm looking for.  My journey isn't just about losing weight, it's about getting fit and healthy.  To be fit, I need strong muscles.  Cardio is AWESOME for burning fat, but it just doesn't give the full body workout that is needed to strengthen and tone muscle. 

So, today I've admitted my 1lb weight gain, dispelled a myth, and committed myself to you all about preparing myself to hard work this week.  That's not bad for a day's blog..LOL  Now, it's time to honor that committement so that this time next week - that stinkin' number on the scale will be better.

Till next time ;)

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