Sunday, August 05, 2012

Weigh-In Day....Among Other Things

So, apparently after my lame-o post yesterday where I whined and cried about the weather - the weather gods decided to take pity on me...and send us some much needed rain last night.  Not enough to do any real impact on the drought situation, but enough to at least bring the temps from 108 down just below 100.  And temps in the upper 90s is something I'm actually looking forward to - if the weather people are actually correct.  Still hot and extremely humid - but I'm sure my AC will appreciate the teensy, tiny bit of relief.

I woke up this morning, and inside my house was only 76 degrees.  That hasn't happened in so long.  It still feels pretty good right now - and it's after noon.  That's usually when the temp inside starts competing with the temp outside - and my house starts to move in to the upper 80s.  

Today is weigh-in day, and there's not really anything exciting to report today.  My weight stayed the same from last week.  No loss to report, but that also means no gain to report either - so if I keep thinking positively, that's a good thing.  My scale said 249.4 this morning - which is what it said last Sunday.

I plan on taking advantage of the cooler temps inside my house today.  Even though I moved most of the stuff I needed in to my classroom - there's still plenty more to go.  That would be all the stuff cluttering up on and around my desk in my home office.  There's so much piled up on my desk, I can't even remember what the desk looks like without anything on it.  So, it's deep clean day for my office.  And then I plan on taking my cleaning mood in to the living room.... where Jelly has been imitating a college student more than a 4 year old.  There are empty juice bottles, fruit snack wrappers, and clothes everywhere.  And don't worry, she'll be cleaning that mess up herself - I'll just be moving in after that and taking care of the "normal" living room cleaning of vacuuming and dusting. 

I'm still floating on a cloud about there only being four days until I officially go back to work.  Over the next couple of days, I will be lugging the remaining boxes of stuff to my room - and unpacking.  I even found an amazing book shelf on a local yard sale group on Facebook that's being delivered to me today.  It looks like a display case you see in movie stores - and it will be perfect for housing all of my picture books.  It's huge, so I just hope I can find a happy, comfortable place for it in my classroom.

Other than cleaning, it's going to be a pretty uneventful day.  I have a busy week planned, and this is probably going to be the last "day off" I have for a while.  I have to start getting my internal clock back on schedule - which will mean going to bed at a reasonable time and getting up early for the next few days.  I've enjoyed being able to sleep in all summer - but I'm ready to get back in to a regular, scheduled routine. 

And that's about all I've got for you today.  This office sure won't clean it's self - as much as I've been hoping the past few weeks.  So, it guess I better get to gettin'.

Have a great, relaxing Sunday!

Till next time. ;)
Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

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