Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Truthful Tuesday...Twas the Day Before School Started Edition

'Twas the day before school started, and as here I sit
Not a flutter of nerves have hit me just yet
While the kids are all still quietly sleeping in their beds
I'm sitting here without an ounce of dread
That will all probably change in the next few hours
But, for right now, I'll enjoy my secret powers...
Of not being scared, nervous or worried
And write about the truth before I get all flurried

To be honest... It's true.  As of this very second, just a mere 24 hours before I'll be heading out the door for my first day as a 4th grade teacher, I'm not nervous.  I'm very excited.  I'm very anxious.  But the nervousness hasn't hit me just yet - but I'm sure it will decide to make an appearance some time this evening... when I need to sleep or something.

To be honest... I'm very excited about open house tonight.  I can't wait to get the first glimpse of some of the kiddos that will be in my class. I had the opportunity to see a couple at Saturday night's block party - but I wasn't allowed to tell them that I was going to be their teacher.  It will be so much more fun, tonight, when I get to give them the good news.  HA!

To be honest... I'm excited about having a whole day to finish up the final small details in my room, to sit down and plan the first week with my team, and to get all the back to school stuff printed out for tomorrow.

To be honest... I'm so glad that Butter is home.  My mom brought him home last night, and he seemed excited to be back.  My brother bought him a couple pairs of new shorts for his first few days back at school - and Butter liked the new shirts I bought him.  He seems genuinely excited to start school - which really makes me happy.  I really think he's going to have a great year.

To be honest... things are still not great with Peanut.  I left her a couple of things to take care of while I was at work, yesterday, and they weren't done when I got home.  I was not a happy camper - which made talking about my previous problem difficult.  I'm glad my mom came over so that I could vent to her a little.  I hope that tonight Peanut and I are both able to move on from it all and get back to normal.  She has been such a great help to me the past couple of weeks - and I've really enjoyed the time we've spent together.  I don't want a silly little argument to interfere with that.  I just want my happy, excited, loving family back.

To be honest... I've decided that the computer that seems to keep Peanut so occupied ALL day long is now going to be limited to one hour a day.  With school starting, it's important that both Peanut and Butter are not distracted from school because of Facebook or computer games.  I understand that she may not like me for it now, but eventually she'll understand why it's so important to me - and her.

To be honest... I enjoyed my PD day, yesterday.  I got to volunteer to act as J-Lo for a skit that was performed by the group hosting the PD - and act as a judge on "Teacher Idol".  It was hilarious and so much fun.  I had to wear a big J-Lo wig, get up on stage in front of every teacher in the county, and just act crazy for a while.  Later in the day back at my school, I also volunteered to be on the Student Council committee and the Family Night committee.  It truly is in my blood to volunteer to help out as much as I can - and wasn't just something I used to do to try and impress in order to find a job.  And I'm sure that both committees will keep me nice and busy.

To be honest... I've really enjoyed getting to know the people I'm going to be working with.  Every single person I've met, so far, are genuinely nice, passionate, and friendly.  They all seem so devoted to being a school family, supporting each other, and doing everything in their power to help the students they serve.  And they all seem to have been at the school for many years - except for us newbies.  I have no doubt in my mind that this will be the school I spend my entire teaching career.

To be honest...  I really can't believe that I'm only 24 hours away from my first day as a teacher.  I still keep thinking that I'm going to wake up at any moment and realize that this has all been a dream.  To think about what I've gone through the past five years to get me to this moment is amazing.  I went through college giving everything I had.  I spent hours and hours working on assignments, writing papers, studying - all in preparation for the moment I would hear the words "you're hired".  I was devastated when those words didn't come last year.  But now?  I am so thankful that everything played out the way it did.  I absolutely, with no doubt whatsoever, believe that this was all supposed to happen the way it happened.  I have no regrets, no uncertainty, no shadowing feelings of disappointment.  The trials and tribulations of the past five years were all leading up to this moment - and I wouldn't trade any of it for any other scenario.

To be honest... I better get myself ready.  I have a very busy day ahead.

Till next time. ;)
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1 comment:

  1. So excited for you!!!! Dakota's 4th grade teacher was a first-year teacher, and she was wonderful.

    We limit "screen time" for Dakota -- when he was younger it was no more than two hours a day -- then we upped to three hours a day. That includes computer and TV -- and now also includes iPad and smart phone! There's also a weekly limit, so he has learned to calculate at the beginning of the week what shows he wants to watch, etc. Good learning tool! (and once school starts, homework must be done before ANY screen time, except homework on the 'puter -- and he always has to sit so we can see the screen.)


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