Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ten Things Thursday

1.  I'm officially off work for the summer!  I celebrated by sleeping until 8:40 this morning.  Even though that may not sound very late, it's 4 hours later than what I'm used to getting up.  It was so nice not being woken up by an alarm clock or children or anything but my own eyes opening.  OK, so the cat nudging against me may have had something to do with it... but it was an easy, wake at my own rate situation.  And that I can totally get used to.

2.  I woke up this morning with no headache, toothache, face pressure, runny or stuffed up nose, or wheezing chest.  For the past three days, I've had the most horrible headache.  It felt like someone was inflating my head with air, and any time I stood up it felt like I was being slammed in the skull with a sledgehammer.  No exaggeration.  It was bad.  Thankfully, it seems to be all gone this morning.  I'm pretty sure I was in the midst or beginning to get a sinus infection.  It appears that may be subsiding... fingers crossed!

3. I'm making the last trips to my old house today to completely finish up getting anything out of it we need.  I'm dreading it, because the house has been locked up since Sunday with no AC.  It has also rained butt loads since then, so I'm sure there has been plenty of leaking going on.  That's going to make for one not so pleasant odor being omitted.  I so can't wait to drive away from that house for the final time, and never looking back.  Of course, once I get everything out of the house, I have to go back later with Hubby so that we can get our pet snake.

4.  I'm so excited to spend the next few days finishing up the unpacking in our new home.  I hate packing.  I hate moving.  But, I love unpacking and setting up a new house.  Well, I'm loving unpacking and setting up this new house.  There's still a lot of work to be done, but even with boxes laying all over the place and piles of stuff waiting to be placed in new homes - it still feels homier here than I ever felt in that old dump. 

5.  I'm kicking myself for not taking pictures of the place when it was completely empty so that I could do some before and after pics.  I don't want to take pictures, now, because there's still a lot of moving in to do.  Once the house is all set up the way I like it, I'll take some pictures so you can see what it looks like.    

6.  Jelly had her last day of preschool on Tuesday.  That also meant the last payment for daycare to be paid by me...ever.  Of course, there will be plenty of expenses that come from going to school - but I get to keep $300 in my pocket each month from now on.  I have picked up the kindergarten enrollment forms for her, and I just can't believe my baby is going to be starting kindergarten.  **SNIFF**

7.  Butter is going to go and spend a few days with my parents today.  I think that Peanut, Jelly, and I will be spending some time at the park - once all of the unpacking is taken care of.  That and possibly getting in to the pool.  Hubby has been working hard the past couple of days to get the pool cleaned out, once again, after all the storms hit.  Now, if the temperature would just get up past 70 outside, it may be warm enough for us to actually use it.

8.  I have a rose bush in my little side garden area that is blooming some beautiful pink roses.  I've decided that I'm going to get a few more rose bushes to put out there and have myself a little rose garden.  It's going to be a while before I can actually get out there and do a lot of work...and I've missed most of the planting season... but I'm determined to make it my little oasis.  I'm thinking white, yellow, and pink roses will do the trick.  Also thinking about planting some wild flowers and maybe a few hanging baskets.  Never thought I'd be one to actually think about working in a flower garden. HA!  

9.  If my allergies will cooperate, I'm going to be doing quite a bit of yard work around here this summer.  Hubby and I picked out a new weed eater, that's ALL MINE!  He's going to take care of the mowing, and I'm going to do the trimming.  I think it's only fair that I do my part, and I want bragging rights when people compliment how nice the place looks.

10.  I've stalled long enough.  I really have to get over to the old house so that I can finally be done with the place.  As much as I'd just like to say to heck with anything else left over there, I can't.  I know that there are several things over there that I need and will miss if I don't get.  But, I'm hoping to be as quick as possible gathering it all.  Ready...Set.... GO!

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