Sunday, July 29, 2012

It's Weigh-In Day! And You're Gonna Wanna See This!!

It's weigh-in day.  A day I've honestly been dreading since Wednesday, when I jumped on the scale for a little progress report - and wasn't happy with what I saw.  I did the same thing last week.  Did a mid-week weigh-in and was ticked off at what the scale was showing me.

This week, I think I've discovered something.  A secret, if you will.  For years, I've told myself that there are no special secrets to weight loss.  You eat right, you work out, you'll lose weight.  Simple.  No magic pills or diet plans will get me there - it takes hard work, discipline.  It's no secret - everyone will tell you the same.

But, I'm on to something now that's different.  I know it.

Last week, I stept on the scale mid-week and saw a gain.  It terrified me.  Once I saw it, my mind starting focusing on it - determined to do something about it.  And you know what?  I still managed to pull off a very small loss last week.

This week, I stood on the scale on Wednesday, saw a little gain, and my mind started focusing on it.  I knew I was so consumed with going to my classroom that the gym wasn't going to help me out.  I had to set my mind on eating right and drinking tons of water.  I didn't know if it would be enough - but my mind was stuck firm on doing what I could.

So, let's see what happened this week...shall we?

Three weeks ago, I weighed 254.6lbs
Last week, I weighed in at 251.8lbs only losing 0.6lbs from the week before.

It was my goal to get in to the 240's this week, but after what I saw on Wednesday... I just didn't know if that would be possible.  So, I almost died this morning when I saw this...

I'm sorry about the horrible picture quality.  I tried a few more attempts at getting a better picture - but this was the best I could do.  The flash made the numbers disappear, and no flash gave me this grainy looking quality but the numbers were still visable.

That number that I saw this morning, and you see now is 249.4lbs!

I did it!  I got in to the 240's - and I don't care how barely it came.

I've lost 2.4lbs this week.  And there was no gym, no exercising.  Up until Wednesday, there wasn't even great eating or water drinking.  But, once I got a glimpse of the direction I was heading on Wednesday - I started to change my focus.  I got myself back in to the game - mentally.  And THAT is the secret I think I'm on to.

I've discovered that this journey that I'm on is mainly mentally challenged.  It's all in my head.  No, I'm not saying that I can magically send vibes to my scale to give me a better number.  I am saying that if my head's not on board - the rest of my body will follow suit and not do much...and vice versa.  If my head IS on board - then my actions and results will follow right behind and great things will happen.

OK, so I didn't work out at the gym or go walking this week.  But, I realized that lifting all those boxes completely full of books, moving other classroom furniture, standing up and down on chairs - that all counts as something.  My body was moving, I was sweating, my arms and legs were feeling the work.  And once I really started thinking about it in terms of exercise, I realized I started putting in even more effort to do more physical work in my classroom. 

And then there was the eating and drinking water.  On Friday, I packed my 52oz water bottle and drank from it all day - and then all evening.  I ignored little pangs of wanting to snack.  I focused on eating my meals, keeping the portions in control, and avoiding anything I shouldn't be eating.

Automatically, my mind now begins to wonder what the numbers would look like on the scale if I didn't start mentally getting in the game mid-week... but was mentally in the game all week.  And that, my friends, is the experiment I'm going to try this week.

There will be no gym again this week - because I will be working in my classroom every single day.  But, if I prepare my mind for that now...not dwell or feel guilty...I may be able to prove to myself that I can make it work - NO MATTER WHAT.  I will eat perfectly every day.  I will drink tons of water every day.  I will push myself to get as much physical activity in as I can while I'm there.  And then who knows what I will be able to accomplish by this time next week.  If I can lose 3lbs in a few days (it's technically 3lbs because I saw a gain of 0.6lbs on Wednesday) then I could potentially get much higher than that next time around.

It's taken me three weeks to lose 5.2lbs.  I want to up that ante.  I want to lose another 5lbs in the next two weeks.  A very easy goal - but that's what my head needs right now.  Managable.  A way to stay on board with me in the midst of working and trying to get myself prepared for the new school year.  If I can keep setting these small goals - I just know that there will be no stopping me. 
Till next time. ;)
Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter


  1. Brava! That's fantastic, and love the attitude!

  2. Congratulations on being in a new decade! I definitely think the scale is a useful tool to have to keep you more mindful about your choices in general. I think food has more to do with weight-loss than exercise as long as you stay active during the day! I consider cleaning exercise too :)

  3. Yay, Joanna!! Congrats on reaching the 240's!!! That is awesome!!!!!! And it goes to show ya how important being in the right mental space is along with making good food choices. The exercise is an added bonus that helps round out the big picture.

    Enjoy working on your classroom this week - soak in the moments as your dreams become a reality. This is going to be an amazing year for you for a few reasons!!


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