Ahhh...Thanksgiving. The day to share how thankful you are for everything you have in your life. The day to be with family. The day to eat. And eat. And eat. Come on. You all know that the food has become one of the most important parts of this holiday.
Last week, I did my first What Am I Thankful For? post. I hit the major points in my life, like family, my job, Hubby, you guys, fat-free coffee creamer.... you know the really important things. This week, I'm doing another installment, because I want to have 24 things to be thankful for....just like everyone is doing on Facebook. I'm a woman that likes trends - I just don't like doing them the same way everyone else is.
Today's list really holds no torch to the things that I listed last week... but I always think it's nice to have a little fun, and think about the things I wouldn't normally think about. Yes, I'll probably be grasping at straws - because everything that is most important to me was highlighted last week. But, let's see what I can come up with.
This week, I count from 11 to 24 of the things that I'm thankful and/or grateful for.
11. My Scale. Bet you didn't see that one coming. As much as I complain about my scale - we have a love/hate relationship that I have to be thankful for. There are days I hate it, but then the number reminds me that I'm doing it to myself - and I have to work harder. There are days when I love it, because it shows me that the work I am doing is paying off. Then there are days like today - where my scale apparently feels sorry for me, and dropped down to 234.2lbs from yesterday's 235.3lbs. I know the scales fluctuate from day to day - but I'm happy it decided to be nice to me on this day.
12. My Laptop. My connection to the Internet, and the virtual world. It's amazing how much my little laptop enables me to do...research, watch shows, connect with family and friends overseas, collect ideas for lessons...and of course, share my blog. I guess I should be thanking the Internet - but my laptop gets me there, and for that - I'm thankful. Plus, my laptop got me through school. Every paper I ever wrote was done on this very laptop - and helped earned me the grades I needed to graduate.
13. My Dog. My sweet little Silky Terrier, Asia. I've had her since she was 8 weeks old - and now she's almost 5! I got her the year before I had Jada. She was my gift to myself for finally having a house that allowed pets. She's been a handful, just like my other kids, but I love her very much. She curls up in bed with me every night, and is always there when I need her. She is just like another child to me. Despite how much Hubby despises her...she will always be important to me. Oh - and he only despises her because she seems to like to pee on his stuff...occasionally.
14. My Clean House. I pounded away for several hours, yesterday, getting my house all sparkly clean. I mentioned that I'm thankful for my house last week - but this week, I'm just thankful that I got it clean. It's a very nice feeling to wake up to a clean house. I'm thankful all of my hard work paid off - and I'll got to do that today. Not sure how long it will last...but I got to do it today.
Just 10 more to go...
15. Facebook. Even though I'm not nearly as addicted to Facebook now as I was just a year ago...I'm thankful that Facebook gives me the ability to
16. Pinterest. The creators of this site get a big THANK YOU from me. I'm thankful that this site has given me a one stop shop for EVERYTHING I need. Recipes, craft ideas, lesson plans....all there, right where I need it. I no longer have to use search engines much anymore...sorry, Bing...I will miss you.
17. Coffee. Holy mother of sanity, I can't believe I'm listing this as number 17....my kids would probably list this as number one on their list. My day just doesn't function without coffee...I don't know what I'd do without it. It's my energy drink and relaxing serum all rolled in to one. I'm pretty sure if you were to cut me open - coffee would pour out of my veins. Thank you Folgers for giving my entire household a semi-sane woman to live with each day!!
18. My DVR. Probably the most genius thing ever invented. If it wasn't for my DVR, I'd never be able to watch some of my favorite shows. And, I don't ever have to watch commercials again...BONUS!!
19. Ricky Gervais. Yes...I'm thankful for this person. I'm thankful that he's so hilarious and comes up with the greatest shows and Podcasts. I'm also thankful that he has introduced me to the comic genius that is Karl Pilkington. Ricky is my comic idol - and my hope is that one day I'll get to meet him in person. I'll be watching the Golden Globes - DVR'd of course - just because he's hosting. I know it's random - but he's a little slice of home...and he's not half bad to look at, either.
I'm not going to list the other people that I'm thankful for that are nice to look at..like Alexandar Skasgard, Dax Shepherd, or the other men that make me swoon whenever I watch them on TV... I am thankful for them, though.
20. My iPhone. My list wouldn't be complete without being thankful for the mini computer that I carry around with me everywhere. If my laptop's not around, my iPhone is. It has given me hours of fun playing games like Solitaire, Mahjong, Hanging with Friends, Tetris, and Bejeweled....and it does other important stuff, too... like make phone calls.
21. The Harry Potter and Twilight Movies. For the past several years, these movies have given Peanut and I our Mommy/Daughter days out. It has become a tradition that Peanut and I go to the movies to see these sagas. I was so sad when Harry Potter ended, but thankful I still have two movies left to see of Twilight. We haven't seen the new one yet - that's on the agenda for this weekend. Now, Peanut and I are going to have to find another book/movie series to get in to.
22. Toilet Paper, Soap, and Toothpaste. Really, do they need any explanation? I said I was going to be grasping at straws... but have you really thought what you're life would be like without them? That makes me thankful.
23. The Fact that You're Still Reading This. If you've made it this far, I am very thankful. It shows how much you care....or how bored you are. This is harder than I thought it would be.
And finally...
24. My Humor. The fact that I can come on here on Thanksgiving day, and have a little fun is something I'm very grateful for. There are so many things I could be very serious about, today, but I want to have a little fun - because this is what today should be about. I try to make people smile...maybe even chuckle sometimes. I don't pretend that I'm a comedian...I'm not... but the fact that I can come on to my blog and spin a different light on things is something I'm very thankful for.
All joking aside...if you have food to eat today, somewhere to eat it, and people to eat it with...say your thanks. There are so many people in this country that won't have these things today. Be thankful for the wonderful things you have in your life - even if there are days where you think your life is not too wonderful. Smile. Laugh. Enjoy. Be thankful.
I hope you all have an absolutely wonderful Thanksgiving. I am thankful for you all each and every day.
Till next time. ;)

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Have a fabulous day, Joanna!!!
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