Monday, July 06, 2009

Day 17 & 18: Holiday Weekend - Exhausted!!

Saturday morning, I did exactly what I said I was going to do. I got up a little after 6:30am, threw my workout clothes on, and drove up to the walking track. I did 8 laps of the 1/4 mile trail - I was so proud of myself!! If that wasn't enough to burn off the pizza I ate last night, then a whole afternoon of walking should have.

Saturday afternoon, the family and I headed up to Eureka Springs to do some shopping and also because I was shooting a wedding there that evening. For almost 2 hours, we walked up and down the historic streets - and by the end of it, my calves were on FIRE!! Then it was into work mode while I shot the wedding, and that consisted of lots of bending, walking, etc. - so I got even more workout there!! All in all, Saturday was a very energetic day - and by the time I got home that night, I was completely exhausted!!

Sunday wasn't as ambitious. Due to Saturday's activities, my lazy ass stayed in bed until 11am!! I couldn't believe it when I woke up and saw the clock - I NEVER sleep that late!! I was pissed cause I really had planned on going to walk again. When I rolled out of bed, I thought I was going to collapse. My legs were so sore!! I was happy about the soreness cause it meant that I did something right the day before. Even though I didn't get to go and walk the track, I did go and do some grocery shopping. Not actually a workout, but I did get off the couch - so better than nothing. I've decided that I'm going to try and do the walking track every Saturday and Sunday, and then during the week focus on working out at home - while the baby is napping. That's 5 days a week I'm going to work out. It's just not realistic to work out EVERY day right now, so I'm going to do what I can.

Regarding my eating - I'm still not completely on track with that. The goal was to consume 450 calories a day, and then tomorrow move up to 550. I'm not going to start the 550 regimen, but focus more on eating less than 1000 calories a day with very small portioned meals. My diet will mostly be made up of fruit and veggies, but also include dairy, carbs and protein. I'm hoping that introducing everything back into my diet will also help the fatigue. My doc thinks that I'm not getting enough nutrients, which is causing my body to get tired much quicker than it should - so I have to fuel it.

Ok, till next time. :)

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