Thursday, November 25, 2010

My Thanksgiving Thanks

It's only fitting to do a Thanksgiving post about the things I'm thankful for.  The list is in no apparent order, I will type them as they pop into my head:

I am thankful for...

My Hubby.  My soul-mate, my best-friend.  He doesn't hesitate to clean, cook, and take care of  the kids.  He is my shoulder to cry on, my brick wall to kick when I need to, and will listen - no matter how much he doesn't want to.

Peanut.  My oldest daughter.  The "assistant manager mommy" of the house.  Despite the fact that she's only 10 years old, she has helped me take care of things around the house, take care of her little sister and make things easier for me when things are at the craziest.  She never asks for anything in return, and never ceases to amaze me with her kindness.

Butter.  My middle child.  I am thankful that he has kept me on my toes.  Even though it's been no bed of roses with Butter this year, I'm thankful that he's made me realize that I have other priorities than just school.

Jelly.  My sweet, playful, energetic, bundle of pure joy.  She keeps me laughing when all I want to do is cry.  I'm so thankful for her amusing sayings, her ability to help me see the logic behind the illogical, and her snuggles late at night. 

My parents.  I am thankful for their understanding when they don't hear from me in weeks, their willingness to help whenever I need it.  I am thankful for my mom being there whenever I need someone to talk to - no matter what time of the day and night.

Sanity.  For being my sanity.  For dragging me away when I can't take another second of homework, and making me forget all about it for one night.  For the encouraging words and the support.  I will always be thankful that she helped me get through my final year in college.

OK, now all the cutesy stuff is out of the way here are a few more that I have to throw in to the mix...

The Unit:  My never-ending school project.  The project that has consumed my life the past three months.  Thank you for making me realize how much I'm SO ready to be done with school!!  Because my life is so consumed by The Unit, I thank Amazon being available to get some Christmas shopping done...cause Lord knows I would not have done any without it.

Facebook.  Without Facebook, I would have had hardly any contact with anyone the past three months.  Thank you for keeping me connected to the world while I'm in my cave working on that damn Unit.

December Mommies Forum:  My virtual family. Thank you for being there the past three years.  It's been so nice to have wonderful woman to talk to, share stories with, and go to for support when I'm in my cave...YES, working on the damn unit.

My Blog and blog followers:  For listening to me bitch and whine about my life.  I have so many wonderful things to be thankful for, yet I come here far too often and banter on about how hard life is.  Thank you for never judging me, being a great listener, and letting me get my thoughts out in the world.

Eat, Pray, Love: The book I'm reading one or two pages at a time.  The first book I've read for pleasure in way too long.  The book I will still probably be reading in May, when I graduate.  I'm thankful for offering me calming words, giving me a new outlook on life, and making me realize that I am happy - regardless of that damn Unit.

Denise Brennan-Nelson: One of my favorite children's authors.  I'm thankful for the lecture you gave, and that I was there to hear it.  You have me a whole new perspective on life - one that will lead to a happier me....hopefully.

For anyone else that I'm forgetting:  I'm thankful for you too, but because of the damn Unit I've forgotten to mention you's all the Unit's fault.

Everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

"Take two seconds to think of who you're thankful for, and then take a few more seconds to let the people you're thankful for know."

Till next time.  ;)

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