Thursday, January 27, 2011

Need to Pull Back the Reigns

This week has been a pretty busy week.  I'm teaching The Unit.  The curriculum unit that took me FOREVER to write has finally made it's way to the classroom.  Despite the horrible time I had writing it - the time seems to be paying off, and the kids are enjoying it.

I know what you're thinking.  Uh oh, she's talking about how busy her week has come the excuses.

Well, knock that thought out of your head...I'm going in the opposite direction here.

Despite how busy I've been - I've been doing a pretty good job keeping to my schedule.  I've been drinking my water every day.  I've been running both scheduled days.  I haven't done my Yoga every day (still working on making myself get out of bed) - and I purposely missed Zumba on Tuesday.

Even though I had a list of mini-goals I planned for this week, I feel as CEO of my life - I have the power to change the goals mid-week.  I'd much rather pull back if I know I'm in too deep than to wait until the end of the week and bring out the excuse book.

One thing I changed, this week only for right now, is to not do Zumba Tuesday night.  After running on Monday and Yoga Tuesday morning - and being up since 2am - I decided early in the day that I was taking the evening off. 

Another change I'm making: I'm not doing the C25K session twice each planned day.  The past two weeks were pretty easy for me.  I was able to run and still had plenty of energy at the end of the first session to repeat it. This week, I've upped my time running (now running 3 minutes and walking 2 minutes).  I'm struggling, just a little.  I'm pushing myself to run the full 3 minutes - and by the time I'm done with the 5 routines of running/ walking - I feel like I've had a good work-out. 

The only reason I was planning on pushing myself to do the training twice was because I didn't feel like I was really working out that hard.  After my first two sessions - I know that the program is now getting a little more difficult to keep up with (which is a good thing) and that one time through is enough....except for Sunday. 

I want to get in at least one LONG run each week.  I've been reading everywhere that it's good to do a few shorter distance runs through the week, and to do one long run - to help build stamina and pace.  Well, being that I usually have my best pace and stamina on Sundays...I've decided that will be the day I do the long run.  I will repeat the C25K program twice on Sundays.

I have to say that last night I was very proud of myself.  After work and a staff meeting, I did NOT feel like running.  On top of just not feeling like it, I wasn't feeling that great either.  I had a stomach ache...not sure why...but it sure didnt feel good.  I decided to suck it up and get out there.  My heart wasn't really in it (as you can see from the 18 minute pace time on my running log) but I made myself do it, regardless. This is a big victory for I had to share.  I'm realizing that even when I just don't feel like it - I need to at least try.

Last night, I bought a new planner that's just for my goals.  I will use it to schedule my work-outs, my food, everything related to my weight loss journey.  I have an app on my iPhone that I've been using...but for some reason, I do so much better with written plans.  It means more to me when I take the time to write everything out on a calendar...and I really LOVE seeing the plans in black and white (or blue, or red, or whatever fancy colored pen I use). 

The planner I use for work and school is my backbone.  I put everything in there - meetings, lesson plans, home work assignments.  I consult with it many times each day - and I stick to whatever is written in there.  I highlight the important stuff, I make myself motivational sticky notes to post on the pages, and I feel like my planner is my friend - to help keep my life organized.

I thought I was ready to move to an electronic version - but I just don't have the same relationship with my electronic planner.  The electronic calendar is too pretty, too easy to delete things, just no connection...and even though it's great for alert's just as great to be able to push DELETE and go on with whatever I'm doing.

So, I'm pulling back on a couple of things this week.  I feel good knowing that I can, and that I won't have to bring out that dreaded excuse book because I put too much on my plate. 

What do you find to be the best way to keep to your plans/ goals?
Do to-do lists, written planners, calendars, etc. help you?

Till next time.  ;)

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